viernes, noviembre 18, 2005
Busque y encuentre...

Aprovechando para hacer un poco de publicidad del disco de misquious propongo un pequeño juego a propósito de uno de los temas del álbum: Woman Hitler.

La letra es un puro ejercicio de ludolingüística; se trata de encontrar anagramas escondidos, por ejemplo violence/nice love.

Hala, ya no doy más pistas. Al que más encuentre le daremos como premio un póster autografiado de John Balan. ¡A jugar!
¡Ah, la letra!

Woman Hitler
I have erased this saturday night fever with the waves of the dirty aftershave gun your mother designed that sleepless night. I know she paid for this dormitory but you hate that smell of naphthalene; so get her out this dirty room ‘cause it´s me that plays the bridegroom. Juliet, nice love may be turned into purple violence when woman hitler haunts the place. So hail to adult novels reign of love and lust. They’ll dominate moon starers astronomers. I’ll have to move to the country side; they advise: “Here no city dust”. As William Shakespeare said: maybe i`ll make a wise phrase. Juliet, nice love may be turned into purple violence when woman hitler haunts the place. So hail to adult novels reign of love and lust. They’ll dominate moon starers astronomers. Sit, chat, pay, sir. Funeral fair. Desperation makes us brave. A psychiatrist. Real fun to wish. Girl, let me tell you a rope ends it. A psychiatrist. Real fun to wish. Girl, let me tell you a rope ends it. Sit, chat, pay, sir. Funeral fair. And DNA... Evil’s agents, all pallid and wan, uprising, unveiling, affirm that the play is the tragedy “Man” and its heroes, the Evangelists. And DNA, and DNA, and DNA...


Blogger Archibald Losenrú said...

Oye, Paco, creo que estás confundido. Un anagrama de una palabra es otra con sus mismas letras en distinto orden. Saturday no es anagrama de mother, etc.
Saludos y a seguir jugando.


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